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Работа с текстом 2

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The Smiths' Family Album

Look at these photos:

This is Bob Smith. He's an excellent student and a splendid athlete. Bob's on holiday in a nice little village. Look! He's got a tent and a boat. His life's simple and healthy, isn't it?

This is Bob's Mum and Dad — Anne and Lloyd Smith. Anne isn't fifty yet and she's still slim. An elegant lady, isn't she? Lloyd's fifty-five. He's a handsome man and he's a good athlete too.

This is Bob's sister Sally. She's on a visit to Spain in this photo. It's a music festival.

  • Patch

  • Tom

These are Tom and Patch. They're Bob's pets. They're healthy and happy. Aren't they just lovely! Only Tom's a bit too fat.

Запомните! Перед фамилией во множественном числе, обозначающей семью, употребляется определенный артикль: the Smiths

Работа с текстомРабота с текстом 3