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At the Airport

N. — Mrs Fielding, isn't it? My name's Nikitin. I'm from the Volga Company.

F. — How do you do, Mr Nikitin.

N. — How do you do. Did you have a good flight?

K. — It was quite all right, thank you. It was so nice of you to meet me, Mr Nikitin. Can you help me to get a taxi? It's my first visit to Moscow, you know, and I don't know Russian at all.

N. Oh, that's quite all right! There's a car waiting for us. This way, please.

Exercise 1

Прочитайте текст вслух и найдите в нем предложения, начинающиеся с there is/are. Задайте друг другу вопросы.

Thr researcher's thinking ... There's a mistake in his paper,but he can't find it. And there isn't much time left! There are a lot of books, a pad, some pens and other things on his desk. There are some sandwiches and he's thinking too hard, and his coffee's already cold...

researcher — [rɪ'sə:tʃəʳ] — нучный работник, исследователь
sandwich — ['sændwɪʤ] — бутерброд с двумя кусками хлеба
think hard — думать напряженно
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