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Exercise 1

Повторите, употребляя подсказанные слова.

1. They're both busy.
at work
2. We were both away.
on holiday
away on holiday
out of town
3. They're both working.
having lunch
having a tea break
4. We can both speak German.
understand you
answer your question
play the guitar
come and help you
look at those papers carefully
5. Could you both come again?
talk to her
see him about it
visit her in hospital
help me to prepare those documents
6. We both knew that.
forgot it
understood him
liked his idea
enjoyed the party
enjoyed sightseeing
enjoyed talking to him
7. Neither of us remember him.
knew that
understood it
could translate it
took part in it

Exercise 2

Употребите слово both в каждом предложении, прочитайте вслух и переведите.

1. My assistants are having lunch at the moment.
2. His children go to school.
3. Miss Ellis answered their faxes yesterday.
4. We enjoyed our stay there.
5. They love sightseeing.
6. You went skiing yesterday, didn't you?
7. We leave the house at half past eight.
1. We were away last week.
2. You can speak English, can't you?
3. They were here five minutes ago.
4. You are doing very well.
5. They could play tennis very well when they were young.
6. We are speaking about the same thing.
7. They were born in Scotland.
Слово both в предложенииПереведите на английский язык